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Django Framework Basic to Advance



This course on Django Framework Basic to Advance teaches Django Framework Basic to Advance fundamentals through 4 interactive modules. If you are Beginner, then this course is for you. You can access this course on web and mobile, it’s available in English language.
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Django Framework Basic to Advance



This course on Django Framework Basic to Advance teaches Django Framework Basic to Advance fundamentals through 4 interactive modules. If you are Beginner, then this course is for you. You can access this course on web and mobile. This complete course is available in English language.
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4 Modules

with Certifications

14.5+ Hours

of Recorded Content

5 Rated

by 2119 Learners


4 Modules

with Certifications

14.5 + Hours

of Recorded Content

5 Rated

by 2119Learners

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What's in it for You?

By enrolling in our Django Course, you’ll unlock a world of opportunities in web development. Gain mastery over Django, the popular Python web framework, and build robust, scalable applications with ease. Throughout the course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Django, from project setup to deployment. Explore core components such as models, views, templates, and forms, and understand how they work together in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. With a focus on practical skills, you’ll create a variety of real-world projects. Develop registration forms with CRUD operations, integrate Bootstrap for stunning frontend designs, implement user authentication, and even enable social media login with platforms like Google. But it doesn’t stop there. You’ll also learn how to create dynamic blog pages, implement search functionality, manage products and orders, and handle online payments using platforms like PAYTM. By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge and expertise to confidently develop and deploy database-driven web applications using Django, following industry best practices.
By enrolling in our Django Course, you’ll unlock a world of opportunities in web development. Gain mastery over Django, the popular Python web framework, and build robust, scalable applications with ease. Throughout the course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Django, from project setup to deployment. Explore core components such as models, views, templates, and forms, and understand how they work together in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. With a focus on practical skills, you’ll create a variety of real-world projects. Develop registration forms with CRUD operations, integrate Bootstrap for stunning frontend designs, implement user authentication, and even enable social media login with platforms like Google. But it doesn’t stop there. You’ll also learn how to create dynamic blog pages, implement search functionality, manage products and orders, and handle online payments using platforms like PAYTM. By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge and expertise to confidently develop and deploy database-driven web applications using Django, following industry best practices.

Key Features:

Internationally Acknowledged Certification
Completely online and learn at your own pace course
Lifelong access to complete course
Four gamified practice platforms
Committed forum support to answer all of your questions
Refund policy of seven days

Topics you will learn

  • Beginner Module

    • Introduction to Django & its applications
    • Installation of Editor VS Code and IDE python
    • Django Project Structure
    • Creating our first Django project and Django application
    • How URL routing working with Django with MVT- Part 1
    • How URL routing working with Django with MVT- Part 2
    • Integration of Bootstrap for Frontend- Part 1
    • Integration of Bootstrap for Frontend- Part 2
    • Integration of Bootstrap for Frontend- Part 3
    • Integration of Bootstrap for Frontend- Part 4
    • Creating our first project on student registration form with CRUD Operation (Create, Update, Edit & Delete) & Dealing with Database Models with default dbsqlite3- Part 1
    • Creating our first project on student registration form with CRUD Operation (Create, Update, Edit & Delete) & Dealing with Database Models with default dbsqlite3- Part 2
    • Creating our first project on student registration form with CRUD Operation (Create, Update, Edit & Delete) & Dealing with Database Models with default dbsqlite3- Part 3
    • Creating our first project on student registration form with CRUD Operation (Create, Update, Edit & Delete) & Dealing with Database Models with default dbsqlite3- Part 4
    • Creating our first project on student registration form with CRUD Operation (Create, Update, Edit & Delete) & Dealing with Database Models with default dbsqlite3- Part 5
  • Intermediate Module

    • How to Deal with errors with Debugging the code
    • Jinja technique in Django
    • Project Features
    • Creating Django project and app
    • Integration of free Bootstrap theme & Dealing with static files configuration- Part 1
    • Integration of free Bootstrap theme & Dealing with static files configuration- Part 2
    • Authentication System Login, Signup & logout with Django Admin- Part 1
    • Authentication System Login, Signup & logout with Django Admin- Part 2
    • Authentication System Login, Signup & logout with Django Admin- Part 3
    • Authentication System Login, Signup & logout with Django Admin- Part 4
    • Authentication System Login, Signup & logout with Django Admin- Part 5
  • Advanced Module

    • Login with Social media Account like GOOGLE
    • Creating Blog Page with Django models & Dealing with media files & configuration
    • Creating contact page
    • Dynamic Skills section at home page
    • Working with About Page
    • Wrapping Project by Implementation of search functionality
    • Project Features
    • Creating Django Project & App with Virtual environment
    • Integration of Bootstrap Theme for frontend
    • Configuration of static and media files
    • Integration of function based views with MVT pattern
    • Integration of jinja template engine for frontend
    • Creating signup, login form & Integration of 100% Authentication
    • Writing Backend logic for class based views for signup with token generator for email for activation of user account from SIX module
    • Writing Backend logic for class based views for Login & Logout
    • Writing Backend logic for class based views for reset-password with token generator for email & UUID of user account
  • Expert Module

    • Creating a database models for Products, Orders, Orders update & Contact
    • Displaying Products on Home page category wise with each product details.
    • Implementation of Add to cart functionality
    • Implementation of checkout Page
    • Implementation of search functionality for products
    • Orders Profile Page with cancellation of order functionality
    • Creating Own dashboard for Administration for Uploading Products & Display Products
    • Edit & delete product functionality in Dashboard
    • SMTP email integration on signup for sending links of activation
    • Integration of PAYTM in our Django project for online payments through redit cards, debit cards, UPI , phonepay or googlepay & Net Banking for Orders

Course Offerings

Certificate you will get

Certificate Features

Certification from IITM Pravartak.
Certifications strengthen your programming profile and are recognized around the world.
Certificates are awarded upon the course's completion.

Pre Requsites

Basic knowledge of Python programming language.
Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
A computer with internet access and the ability to install software and dependencies.

After this Course

Build fully functional web applications using Django, following industry best practices.
Create database-driven web applications with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality.
Implement user authentication and authorization systems for secure application access.
Integrate popular frontend frameworks like Bootstrap for visually appealing and responsive designs.
Develop dynamic web pages, including blogs and contact forms, and handle media files.
Implement advanced features such as search functionality, social media login integration, and online payment systems.

Course is for





  • What is Django?
    Django is a powerful Python web development framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It provides a robust set of tools and features to simplify web application development.
  • What is Django used for?
    Django is used to build web applications and websites. It excels in handling complex databases, managing content, and handling user authentication. Django is widely used for creating a variety of applications, including e-commerce platforms, social media sites, and content management systems.
  • Is Django easy to learn?
    Django has a learning curve, but with a solid understanding of Python and web development concepts, it becomes easier to grasp. Django's well-structured documentation and extensive community support make the learning process smoother.
  • How does Django work?
    Django works by following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It uses models to define the data structure, views to handle user requests and generate responses, and templates to present data in a user-friendly format. Django's URL routing mechanism directs incoming requests to the appropriate view function.
  • How to learn Django?
    To learn Django, you can start by reading the official Django documentation and exploring online tutorials and resources. Additionally, enrolling in self-paced Django online courses or joining coding boot camps that focus on Django can provide structured learning and practical exercises.
  • What are the advantages of learning Django?
    Learning Django offers several advantages, such as rapid development, scalability, and code reusability. Django's built-in admin interface and powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) make it easier to manage databases and handle complex relationships. Additionally, Django's strong community support ensures access to a wealth of resources and libraries.
  • Why choose GUVI for learning Django course online?
    GUVI offers one of the best Django courses with expert guidance and practical learning. The course covers all essential aspects, from setup to deployment, and follows industry best practices. With GUVI, you'll benefit from hands-on exercises, real-world projects, and a supportive learning community, enabling you to master Django effectively.
The course focuses on Django Framework Basic to Advance. It covers fundamentals through 4 interactive modules designed for Beginners.
The course offers over 14.5 hours of recorded content.

Yes, upon completing the course, you will receive a certification

The course is currently available in English.
Basic knowledge of Python programming language. & Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The course is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.

The original price of the course is ₹4000, but it’s currently available at a discounted price of ₹3499.
To purchase this course you can click on the Enroll Now button it will redirect you to course page, and on that page you can buy Django Framework Basic to Advance course.

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