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IOT with Raspberry Pi



This IOT with Raspberry Pi course on LearnVern is completely free. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical applications.
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IOT with Raspberry Pi



This IOT with Raspberry Pi course on LearnVern is completely free. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical applications.
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3 Modules

with Certifications

2+ Hours

of Recorded Content

5 Rated

by 10000 Learners



3 Modules

with Certifications

2 + Hours

of Recorded Content

5 Rated

by 10000 Learners



What's in it for You?

Key Features:

Available in multiples Languages
100% Self Paced Course
Lifetime access to all content
Downloadable Resources

Topics you will learn

  • Getting Started

    • Introduction
  • Introduction to Raspberry Pi

    • Getting Started with Raspberry PI
    • Introduction - Raspberry PI
    • The First Glimpse of Raspberry PI Hardware
    • Software Requirements and Installation for Raspberry PI
    • Operating System Installation of Raspberry PI
    • Interface of Raspberry PI to Computer with Putty Hyperterminal
    • Operation of Raspberry PI through VNC
    • Operation of Raspberry PI through Xming
    • Operation of Raspberry PI as a Computer
    • Assignment : Introduction to Raspberry Pi
    • Quiz : Introduction to Raspberry Pi
  • Python Basics

    • Introduction of Python for Raspberry PI
    • User Input in Python for Raspberry PI
    • Algebraic Operations in Python for Raspberry PI
    • Loops, Arrays and Strings in Python for Raspberry PI
    • Working with Functions in Python for Raspberry PI
    • Assignment : Python Basics
    • Quiz : Python Basics
  • Working with GPIO and Servo Motor

    • Working with LEDs with GPIO Board and Raspberry PI
    • Pulse Width Modulation with Raspberry PI
    • Working with Digital inputs in Raspberry PI
    • Interfacing Servo Motor with Raspberry PI
    • Combination of Servo Motor and Digital Inputs with Raspberry PI
    • Assignment : Working with GPIO and Servo Motor
    • Quiz : Working with GPIO and Servo Motor
  • Arduino Pi communication

    • Installation of Arduino IDE in Raspbian OS
    • Serial Communication of Arduino with Raspberry PI
    • Assignment : Arduino Pi communication
    • Quiz : Arduino Pi communication
  • Working with Sensors

    • Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry PI
    • Decision Making with Single LED Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry PI
    • Decision Making with Multiple LEDs Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry PI
    • Combination of Ultrasonic Sensor and Servo Motor with Raspberry PI
    • Interfacing Potentiometer with Raspberry PI
    • Interfacing Multiple Analog Inputs with Raspberry PI
    • Interfacing Light Dependent Resistor with Raspberry PI
    • Interfacing Temperature Sensor with Raspberry PI
    • Interfacing Internal Temperature Sensor with Raspberry PI
    • Joystick Interfacing through ADS1115 with Raspberry PI
    • Controlling Servo Motor using Joystick with Raspberry PI
    • MPU-6050 Gyroscope with Raspberry PI
    • Assignment : Working with Sensors
    • Quiz : Working with Sensors
  • LCD and Keypad Interface

    • Introduction to 16 X 2 LCD
    • Controlling 16 X 2 LCD through Raspberry PI
    • Displaying Pot Value on LCD through Raspberry PI
    • Interfacing 4X3 Keypad using Raspberry PI
    • Simplified Program of 4 X 3 Keypad
    • Controlling RGB LED using 4 X 3 Keypad
    • Assignment : LCD and Keypad Interface
    • Quiz : LCD and Keypad Interface
  • DC Motor and Relay Interface

    • Controlling DC Motor through Raspberry PI
    • Triggering DC Motor through External Function with Raspberry PI
    • Controlling Bulbs with Relay using Raspberry PI
    • Assignment : Camera Interfacing
    • Quiz : DC Motor and Relay Interface
  • Graphical User Interface

    • Displaying Potentiometer Data on GUI with Raspberry PI
    • Introduction to GUI in Python using Tkinter
    • Editing GUI in Python
    • GPIO Control using GUI in Raspberry PI
    • RGB LED Control using GUI in Raspberry PI
    • Creating and Testing Slider using GUI in Raspberry PI
    • Programming Sliders using GUI in Raspberry PI
    • PWM using Sliders in Raspberry PI
    • Controlling Servo Motor using GUI in Raspberry PI
    • Assignment : Graphical User Interface
    • Quiz : Graphical User Interface
  • Interfacing Camera

    • Installing OpenCV
    • External Webcam Interfacing using Python3 with Raspberry PI
    • Clicking Images through Webcam using Python3 and Raspberry PI
    • Clicking Images using IR Sensor with Python3 and Raspberry PI
    • Controlling Webcam using GUI with Raspberry PI
    • Interfacing Raspberry PI Camera using Python3
    • Image Effects using Python3 and Raspberry PI
    • Assignment : Interfacing Camera
    • Quiz : Interfacing Camera
  • Projects

    • Robot Assembly and Circuit Preparation
    • Robot Control through Python
    • Robot Control using Joystick
    • IoT using Adafruit Web Server
    • GPIO Control using Adafruit Web Server
    • Home Automation through Adafruit Web Server
    • IoT based Data Acquisition using Adafruit Web Server
    • Image Capturing using Webcam and Machine Learning Algorithm
    • Face Recognition using Webcam and Machine Learning Algorithm
  • Course Summary

    • Course Summary
  • Interview Questions

    • Interview Questions
  • Career Guidelines

    • Career Guideline

Course Offerings

Certificate you will get

Certificate Features

NSDC Certificate of Partnership with LearnVern.
Help build strong resume.
Great add-on to get Internship.
Upgrade your Job with this certificate proof.

After this Course

Pre Requsites

Curious Mind to learn new concepts
Strong internet connection

Course is for





  • Can LearnVern help understand how IoT home automation works?
    Yes, LearnVern’s course offers end-to-end knowledge of IoT automation. The tutorial comprises several practical examples and demonstrations of how IoT home automation can be achieved with Raspberry Pi. A detailed explanation of embedding Raspberry Pi to systems and achieving automation can easily help understand how IoT home automation works.
  • Is the course difficult to learn?
    IoT home automation using Raspberry Pi is not difficult to learn if you have joined LearnVern’s course. To ease the learning woes, LearnVern offers a Raspberry Pi course in the Hindi language. Also, the tutorial is accessible on repeat to ensure that no concept is missed. Thus, flexibility, and ease of accessing the tutorial till students attain perfection make learning IoT home automation easier.
  • Who is eligible for doing IoT Automation using the Raspberry Pi Course from LearnVern?
    IoT Automation using Raspberry Pi Course at LearnVern is suitable for all those candidates who have interest in basic programming. The users who have access to mobile devices or computers with Android or iOS functionalities can learn this new skill easily using LearnVern’s IoT based automation tutorial.
  • What is the duration of IoT Automation using Raspberry Pi Course?
    LearnVern offers about 18 sessions spread over about 10+ hours of video tutorial. This course is available to join from anywhere, anytime. The students can control the pace of learning and so there is no fixed duration. Such an element of flexibility breaks the barriers of time restrictions for students and job holders.
  • What are the requirements for doing IoT Automation using the Raspberry Pi Course?
    Since you can master automation in IOT using Raspberry Pi only by practicing it in a simulated environment, students may learn better by having certain software and hardware requirements fulfilled. You may know about these requirements at the start of the session. The tutorial walks the candidates through all software and hardware requirements before the sessions.
  • What are the benefits of doing the IoT Automation with Raspberry Pi Course from LearnVern?
    The LearnVern course comes with several benefits such as – no fee charged, course explained in Hindi, practical training provided through video tutorial. Also, the availability of assignment and project at the end of the tutorial allows self-checking the proficiency level. The students can interact with peers to discuss the topics using a discussion board. On completion, the National Skill Development Certificate is awarded to students; it helps add credibility to learners’ professional profile.
  • Can I do the IoT Automation Course from LearnVern along with my job?
    Yes, you can! The IoT Automation Course from LearnVern is available on mobile devices. The users can log on to the course at their preferred time. The video tutorial can be accessed as many times as required till the learners feel confident of their skills. Such flexibility-promoting features allow candidates to this course along with the job easily.
  • What will I learn by doing the IoT Automation Course with Raspberry Pi Course from LearnVern?
    By doing the course from LearnVern, the students learn how to integrate Raspberry Pi practically with various systems. They learn the basics of embedded development, home automation procedures and other Raspberry Pi applications.
The course focuses on IOT with Raspberry Pi. It covers fundamentals through 3 interactive modules.
The course offers over 2 hours of recorded content.

Yes, there is a Paid Certification included with this course. The course material is entirely free; however, certification in this course requires payment of ₹999.

The course is currently available in Hindi.
Curious Mind to learn new concepts & Strong internet connection

The course is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.

This course is completely Free
To enroll in this course you can click on the Enroll Now button it will redirect you to course page, and on that page you can access the IOT with Raspberry Pi course completely free.

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