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Laravel Course – The PHP Framework



This Laravel Course – The PHP Framework course on LearnVern is completely free. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical applications.
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Laravel Course – The PHP Framework



This Laravel Course – The PHP Framework course on LearnVern is completely free. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical applications.
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3 Modules

with Certifications

2+ Hours

of Recorded Content

by 10000 Learners



3 Modules

with Certifications

2 + Hours

of Recorded Content

by 10000 Learners



What's in it for You?

Key Features:

Available in multiples Languages
100% Self Paced Course
Lifetime access to all content
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Topics you will learn

  • Introduction to Laravel Framework

    • Introduction to Laravel Framework
  • Getting Started

    • Prerequisite to Learn Laravel
    • Composer
    • Installation of Laravel
    • Folder and File Structure of Laravel
    • Sample Laravel Application
  • Laravel - Routing

    • Laravel Routing - Basic Routing and Redirect Routes
    • Laravel Routing - View Routes, Named Routes, Route Parameters and Route Caching
    • Assignment: Laravel Routing
    • Quiz : Laravel Routing
  • Laravel - Controllers

    • Introduction to Laravel Controller
    • Routing Controllers in Laravel
    • Resource Controllers in Laravel
    • Assignment: Laravel Controller
    • Quiz : Laravel Controllers
  • Laravel - Middleware

    • Introduction to Middleware
    • Global Middleware in Laravel
    • Group Middleware in Laravel
    • Route Middleware in Laravel
    • Controller Middleware in Laravel
    • Assignment: Laravel Middleware
    • Quiz : Laravel Middleware
  • Laravel - Views

    • Laravel Views
    • Passing Data to Views
    • Assignment: Laravel Views
    • Quiz : Laravel Views
  • Laravel - Blade Templates

    • Introduction to Blade Template
    • Blade Directives - Conditional Statements
    • Blade Directives - Iterative Statements
    • Laravel Components
    • Assignment: Laravel Blade Template
    • Quiz : Laravel Blade Templates
  • Laravel - Helpers

    • Laravel Helpers
    • Laravel Helpers - Array and Object Methods
    • Laravel Helpers - Path Methods
    • Laravel Helpers - String Methods
    • Laravel Helpers - Fluent String Methods
    • Laravel Helpers - URL Methods
    • Laravel Helpers - Miscellaneous Methods
    • Laravel Custom Helpers
    • Assignment: Laravel Helpers
    • Quiz : Laravel Helpers
  • Laravel - HTTP Client

    • Laravel HTTP Client
    • Laravel HTTP Request Methods
    • Laravel HTTP Request Methods Demo
    • Assignment: Laravel HTTP Client
    • Quiz : Laravel HTTP Client
  • Laravel - Sessions

    • Laravel Session
    • Laravel HTTP Session Handling
    • More About Laravel HTTP Session Handling
    • Session Flash Data in Laravel
    • Quiz : Laravel Sessions
  • Laravel - Database

    • Introduction to Laravel Database
    • Laravel Database - Running SQL Queries
    • Laravel Query Builder - Retrieving Data
    • Laravel Query Builder - Aggregate Functions
    • Laravel Query Builder - Select Statements
    • Laravel Query Builder - Joins and Unions
    • Laravel Query Builder - where and wherebetween Queries
    • Laravel Query Builder - whereIn, whereNull, whereDate and whereColumn Queries
    • Laravel Query Builder - Ordering
    • Laravel Query Builder - Grouping
    • Laravel Query Builder - Limit and Offset
    • Laravel Query Builder - Insert, Update and Delete Statements
    • Laravel Database - Migrations
    • Laravel Database - Migration Commands
    • Laravel Database - Seeding
    • Assignment: Laravel Query Builder
    • Quiz : Laravel Database
  • Laravel - Eloquent ORM

    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - Introduction and Models
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - One To One Relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - One To Many Relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - Many To Many Relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - Has One Through Relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - Has Many Through Relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - One to One Polymorphic Relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - One to Many Polymorphic Relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - Many to Many Polymorphic Relationship
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - Accessors
    • Laravel Eloquent ORM - Mutators
    • Assignment: Laravel Eloquent ORM
    • Quiz : Laravel Eloquent ORM
  • Laravel - Route Model Binding

    • Laravel Route Model Binding - Implicit Binding
    • Laravel Route Model Binding - Explicit Binding
    • Assignment: Laravel Route Model Binding
  • Laravel - Localization

    • Laravel - Basics of Localization
    • Laravel - More About Localization
    • Laravel - Localization Example
    • Assignment: Laravel Localization
    • Quiz : Laravel Localization
  • Laravel - CRUD Operations

    • Laravel CRUD Operations - Initialization
    • Laravel CRUD Operations - Create Operation
    • Laravel CRUD Operations - Image Upload
    • Laravel CRUD Operations - Read Operation
    • Laravel CRUD - Show Operation
    • Laravel CRUD - Update Operation
    • Laravel CRUD - Delete Operation
    • Laravel CRUD - Pagination
  • Laravel - Validations

    • Laravel Validations
    • Assignment: Laravel Validations
    • Quiz : Laravel Validations
  • Laravel - Mail

    • Laravel - Mail
    • Assignment: Laravel Mail
    • Quiz : Laravel Mail
  • Laravel - Queues and Jobs

    • Laravel - Queues and Jobs
    • Laravel - Queues and Jobs Example
    • Assignment: Laravel Jobs and Queues
    • Quiz : Laravel Queues and Jobs
  • Laravel - Events

    • Laravel - Events
    • Assignment: Laravel Events
    • Quiz : Laravel Events
  • Laravel - Artisan Console

    • Laravel - Artisan Console
    • Laravel - Artisan Console Closure Commands
    • Laravel - Artisan Console Input Expectations
    • Laravel - Artisan Console Command I-O
    • Laravel - Artisan Console Programmatically Executing Command
    • Laravel - Artisan Console Task Scheduling
    • Assignment: Laravel Artisan Console
    • Quiz : Laravel Artisan Console
  • Laravel - API

    • Laravel - Introduction to API
    • Laravel API CRUD Operations - Read Operation
    • Laravel API CRUD Operations - Create Operation
    • Laravel API CRUD Operations - Update Operation
    • Laravel API CRUD Operations - Delete Operation
  • Upgrading to Laravel 9

    • Introduction and Basic Internal Changes in Laravel - 9
    • Controller Route Group in Laravel - 9
    • Full-Text Indexes and Where Clauses in Laravel - 9
    • Accessors and Mutators in Laravel - 9
    • Enum Eloquent Attribute Casting in Laravel - 9
    • Implicit Route Binding with Enum in Laravel - 9
    • Rendering Inline Blade Templates in Laravel - 9
    • New Helpers in Laravel - 9
  • Laravel Project: E-Commerce Website

    • Laravel Project - Template Integration
    • Laravel Project - User Registration
    • Laravel Project - Authentication
    • Laravel Project - Manage User Profile
    • Laravel Project - Forgot Password
    • Laravel Project - Admin Panel Integration
    • Laravel Project - Manage Users Module
    • Laravel Project - Manage Brands Module
    • Laravel Project - Manage Products Module
    • Laravel Project - Insert Product Data Using Faker
    • Laravel Project - Show Products on the Home Page
    • Laravel Project - Manage Product List with Filters
    • Laravel Project - Manage Cart Functionality
    • Laravel Project - Store Order Functionality
    • Laravel Project - List Order Functionality
  • Course Summary

    • Course Summary
  • Interview Questions

    • Interview Questions Part 1
    • Interview Questions Part 2
  • Career Guidelines

    • Career Guidelines

Course Offerings

Certificate you will get

Certificate Features

NSDC Certificate of Partnership with LearnVern.
Help build strong resume.
Great add-on to get Internship.
Upgrade your Job with this certificate proof.

After this Course

Pre Requsites

Curious Mind to learn new concepts
Strong internet connection

Course is for





The course focuses on Laravel Course – The PHP Framework. It covers fundamentals through 3 interactive modules.
The course offers over 2 hours of recorded content.

Yes, there is a Paid Certification included with this course. The course material is entirely free; however, certification in this course requires payment of ₹999.

The course is currently available in Hindi.
Curious Mind to learn new concepts & Strong internet connection

The course is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.

This course is completely Free
To enroll in this course you can click on the Enroll Now button it will redirect you to course page, and on that page you can access the Laravel Course – The PHP Framework course completely free.

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