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Ruby Programming Course



This Ruby Programming Course course on LearnVern is completely free. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical applications.
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Ruby Programming Course



This Ruby Programming Course course on LearnVern is completely free. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical applications.
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3 Modules

with Certifications

2+ Hours

of Recorded Content

4.7 Rated

by 10000 Learners



3 Modules

with Certifications

2 + Hours

of Recorded Content

4.7 Rated

by 10000 Learners



What's in it for You?

Key Features:

Available in multiples Languages
100% Self Paced Course
Lifetime access to all content
Downloadable Resources

Topics you will learn

  • Ruby Introduction

    • Introduction to Ruby
    • How to use LearnVern
  • RVM

    • What is RVM?
    • How to Install RVM and Ruby Practical
    • Assignmen of installation version
    • RVM Functions
    • RVM Functions Practicals
    • RVM Assignment-1
    • RVM Assignment-2
    • RVM Quiz
  • Ruby Variables

    • Variables Introductions
    • Local and Global Variables
    • Instance and Class Variables
    • Constant
    • Variables Quiz
  • Datatypes in Ruby

    • Boolean
    • Numbers
    • Symbols
    • Arrays
    • Hashes
    • Strings
  • Object Oriented Ruby

    • Object Oriented
    • Class and Objects
    • Initializer Method
    • Instance Method
    • Initializer Instance Method Practical
    • Assignment of Initialize Method
    • Assignment of Instance method
    • Class Method
    • Class Method Practical
    • Class and Methods
    • Assignment of Class Method
    • Attribute
    • Assignment of attr_reader
    • Assignment of attr_assessor
    • Assignment of att_write
    • Object Oriented Quiz
    • Class and Methods Quiz 0
  • Control Structures

    • Control_Structure Intro
    • If Else Statement
    • Assignment of If Else Statement
    • Unless Statement
    • Case Statement
    • Assignment of Case Statement
    • Intro + While Loop
    • Assignment of While Loop
    • Until Loop
    • Assignment of Until Loop
    • For Loop
    • Assignment of For Loop
    • Break Statement
    • Assignment of Break Statement
    • Next Statement
    • Assignment of Next Statement
    • Redo Statement
    • Assignment of Redo Statement
    • Assignment of Control Structure
    • Ruby Control Structure Quiz
  • Comments in Ruby

    • Introduction of Comments
    • Assignment of Single line Comments
    • Assignment of Multi line Comments
    • Comments Quiz
  • Operators in Ruby

    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Arithmetic Operator Example
    • Assignment of Arithmetic Operators
    • Assignment Operators
    • Assignment Operator Example
    • Assignment of Assignment Operator
    • Logical Operators
    • OR Operator
    • NOT Operator
    • Comparison Operators
    • Comparison Operators Example-1
    • Comparison Operators Example-2
    • Assignment of Comparision Operators
    • Assignment 2 of Arithmetic Operators, Comparision Operators
    • Assignment 3 of Arithmetic Operators, Comparision Operators
    • Assignment 5 of Arithmetic Operators, Comparision Operators
    • Bitwise Operators
    • And Operator Example
    • OR Operator Example
    • XOR Operator
    • Assignment of Bitwise Operator
    • Ones Complement Operator
    • Binary Left Shift Operator
    • Binary Right Shift Operator
    • Ternary Operator
    • Ternary Operator Example
    • Range Operators
    • Range Operator Example
    • Assignment of Range Operator
    • Operators Quiz
  • Array

    • Introduction to Array
    • Create Array
    • Access Elements from Array
    • Methods of Array
    • Add Element in Array
    • Remove Element from Array
    • Assignment of Array
    • Assignment of Create Array
    • Assignment of Add element
    • Array Quiz
  • Hashes

    • Introduction of Hashes
    • Create Hash
    • Assignment of Create Hash
    • Access Elements from Hash
    • Methods of Hash + Key Method
    • Hash Methods of values
    • Hash Methods of clear
    • Hash Method of delete
    • Hash Methods of empty
    • Hash Methods of length
    • Hash Methods of .has key(key) OR .key(key)
    • Hash Methods of has value(value) OR .value(value)
    • Hash Method of Index(value)
    • Hash Method of Size
    • Hashes Quiz
  • Blocks

    • Introduction of Blocks
    • Simple Block
    • Block With Single Arguments
    • Block With Multiple Arguments
    • Assignment of Block
    • Block Variable Scope
    • Block Local Scope Variables
    • Block Global Scope Variables
    • Assignment of Block Variable
    • Blocks Quiz
  • Exception

    • Introduction of Exception
    • Handling Exceptions
    • Handling Exceptions Example
    • Assignment of Handling Exceptions
    • Retry Statement
    • Retry Statement Example
    • Ensure Statement
    • Ensure Statement Example
    • Exceptions Assignment-2
    • Exceptions Assignment-3
  • Ruby Final Quiz

    • Ruby Final Quiz

Course Offerings

Certificate you will get

Certificate Features

NSDC Certificate of Partnership with LearnVern.
Help build strong resume.
Great add-on to get Internship.
Upgrade your Job with this certificate proof.

After this Course

Pre Requsites

Curious Mind to learn new concepts
Strong internet connection

Course is for





The course focuses on Ruby Programming Course. It covers fundamentals through 3 interactive modules.
The course offers over 2 hours of recorded content.

Yes, there is a Paid Certification included with this course. The course material is entirely free; however, certification in this course requires payment of ₹999.

The course is currently available in English.
Curious Mind to learn new concepts & Strong internet connection

The course is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.

This course is completely Free
To enroll in this course you can click on the Enroll Now button it will redirect you to course page, and on that page you can access the Ruby Programming Course course completely free.

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