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Selenium Beginners Tamil



This course on Selenium Beginners Tamil teaches Selenium Beginners Tamil fundamentals through 4 interactive modules. If you are Beginner, then this course is for you. You can access this course on web and mobile, it’s available in Tamil language.
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Selenium Beginners Tamil



This course on Selenium Beginners Tamil teaches Selenium Beginners Tamil fundamentals through 4 interactive modules. If you are Beginner, then this course is for you. You can access this course on web and mobile. This complete course is available in Tamil language.
25.05% Discount


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4 Modules

with Certifications

4+ Hours

of Recorded Content

4.5 Rated

by 2010 Learners


4 Modules

with Certifications

4 + Hours

of Recorded Content

4.5 Rated

by 2010Learners

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What's in it for You?

Unravel the world of web testing automation with GUVI’s Selenium Beginners in Tamil. This online course is meticulously designed to comprehensively understand Selenium’s features, components, and advanced capabilities. Learn the nuances of setting up the Selenium environment, writing tests, and executing them across multiple web browsers using the Selenium WebDriver API. Further, advanced topics like dynamic web page testing, parallel test execution, integration with various tools, locator techniques, and tools like Firebug and Firepath are all woven seamlessly into the curriculum. By the end of your learning journey, you’ll be well-equipped to confidently use Selenium for diverse web tasks, automating tests, and more. Moreover, globally recognized certifications from GUVI and hands-on training will strengthen your portfolio for better opportunities.
Unravel the world of web testing automation with GUVI’s Selenium Beginners in Tamil. This online course is meticulously designed to comprehensively understand Selenium’s features, components, and advanced capabilities. Learn the nuances of setting up the Selenium environment, writing tests, and executing them across multiple web browsers using the Selenium WebDriver API. Further, advanced topics like dynamic web page testing, parallel test execution, integration with various tools, locator techniques, and tools like Firebug and Firepath are all woven seamlessly into the curriculum. By the end of your learning journey, you’ll be well-equipped to confidently use Selenium for diverse web tasks, automating tests, and more. Moreover, globally recognized certifications from GUVI and hands-on training will strengthen your portfolio for better opportunities.

Key Features:

Internationally Acknowledged Certification
Completely online and learn at your own pace course
Lifelong access to complete course
Four gamified practice platforms
Committed forum support to answer all of your questions
Refund policy of seven days

Topics you will learn

  • Beginner Module

    • Introduction to Selenium
    • Selenium IDE - Eclipse
    • Basic Browser Launching
  • Intermediate Module

    • Introduction to Selenium
    • Selenium IDE - Eclipse
  • Advanced Module

    • Introduction to Selenium
    • Selenium IDE - Eclipse
    • Basic Browser Launching
    • Windows Handles
  • Expert Module

    • Introduction to Selenium
    • Selenium IDE - Eclipse
    • Basic Browser Launching

Course Offerings

Certificate you will get

Certificate Features

Certification from IITM Pravartak.
Certifications strengthen your programming profile and are recognized around the world.
Certificates are awarded upon the course's completion.

Pre Requsites

Passion to dive into automated web testing.
A computer with a stable internet connection

After this Course

Efficiently automate web application testing with Selenium.
Write and execute comprehensive tests across browsers.
Integrate Selenium with other tools for enhanced testing.
Work with dynamic web pages and execute parallel tests.
Utilize locator techniques and handle web page exceptions.
Capture screens, manipulate lists, and manage alerts seamlessly.

Course is for





  • What is the overview of GUVI’s Selenium Beginners in Tamil certification course?
    This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Selenium, a leading tool for automated web testing. Our course is also taught in Tamil to ensure accessibility for native speakers. Additionally, it covers both foundational concepts and advanced techniques, allowing students to understand the nuances of web application testing
  • Why learn Selenium in a Tamil course ?
    Selenium is a sought-after skill in the tech world. By learning in Tamil, native speakers get a unique advantage, bridging the language gap. This course enables you to automate web testing, ensuring efficient and effective quality assurance for web applications.
  • Why choose GUVI for learning Selenium Beginners in Tamil courses?
    GUVI offers a tailored experience with its courses. Our Selenium course in Tamil combines theoretical knowledge with practical sessions, giving students hands-on experience. With expert guidance and a language-friendly approach, GUVI ensures in-depth mastery of Selenium.
  • What are the benefits of learning Selenium Beginners in Tamil certification?
    By obtaining this certification, you not only showcase your expertise in Selenium but also your commitment to enhancing your skills. It is a testament to your ability to automate web testing tasks, making you an asset to any web development team
  • Is the Selenium Beginners in Tamil course difficult to learn?
    While Selenium encompasses intricate details, our course is structured for clarity and simplicity. With content delivered in Tamil and guided by experts, learners find it easier to grasp even the more challenging concepts of Selenium.
  • How long does it take to learn Selenium Beginners in Tamil?
    The duration can vary based on an individual's dedication and previous knowledge. However, with consistent efforts and the comprehensive resources provided by GUVI, most learners can grasp the core concepts and techniques within a few months.
The course focuses on Selenium Beginners Tamil. It covers fundamentals through 4 interactive modules designed for Beginners.
The course offers over 4 hours of recorded content.

Yes, upon completing the course, you will receive a certification

The course is currently available in Tamil.
Passion to dive into automated web testing. & A computer with a stable internet connection

The course is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.

The original price of the course is ₹2000, but it’s currently available at a discounted price of ₹1499.
To purchase this course you can click on the Enroll Now button it will redirect you to course page, and on that page you can buy Selenium Beginners Tamil course.

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