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SQL Tutorial



This SQL Tutorial course on LearnVern is completely free. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical applications.
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SQL Tutorial



This SQL Tutorial course on LearnVern is completely free. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical applications.
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3 Modules

with Certifications

2+ Hours

of Recorded Content

4.3 Rated

by 10000 Learners



3 Modules

with Certifications

2 + Hours

of Recorded Content

4.3 Rated

by 10000 Learners



What's in it for You?

Key Features:

Available in multiples Languages
100% Self Paced Course
Lifetime access to all content
Downloadable Resources

Topics you will learn

  • Introduction to SQL

    • Getting Started
  • What is Database

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
    • What is RDBMS
  • Understand Databases and Relationships

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
    • What is RDBMS
    • Difference between PK, UK and PK and FK
  • SQL Installation Steps

    • Getting Started
  • Steps in SQL For Database Creation

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
  • SQL Constraints and Alias

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
  • SQL Selection Commands Ordering and Filtering

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
    • What is RDBMS
    • Difference between PK, UK and PK and FK

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
    • What is RDBMS
    • Difference between PK, UK and PK and FK
    • SQL Miscellaneous Functions
    • Rollup and NTile Function
    • Row Number Function
    • DenseRank and Cumulative Distribution
    • How to use SQL Conditional Statements
    • How to use SQL Group by Clause
    • SQL Practical with Examples
    • Assignment : SQL Date and Time
    • Quiz : SQL Functions
  • SQL Join Functions

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
    • What is RDBMS
    • Difference between PK, UK and PK and FK
    • SQL Miscellaneous Functions
    • Rollup and NTile Function
    • Row Number Function
    • DenseRank and Cumulative Distribution
    • How to use SQL Conditional Statements
    • How to use SQL Group by Clause

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
    • What is RDBMS
    • Difference between PK, UK and PK and FK
    • SQL Miscellaneous Functions
    • Rollup and NTile Function
    • Row Number Function
    • DenseRank and Cumulative Distribution
    • How to use SQL Conditional Statements
    • How to use SQL Group by Clause
    • SQL Practical with Examples

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
    • What is RDBMS
    • Difference between PK, UK and PK and FK

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
  • Advanced SQL

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
    • What is DBMS
    • What is RDBMS
    • Difference between PK, UK and PK and FK
    • SQL Miscellaneous Functions
    • Rollup and NTile Function
    • Row Number Function
    • DenseRank and Cumulative Distribution
    • How to use SQL Conditional Statements
    • How to use SQL Group by Clause
    • SQL Practical with Examples
  • Loading and Connecting Different Files In SQL

    • Getting Started
  • Course Summary

    • Getting Started
  • Interview Questions

    • Getting Started
    • SQL Commands
  • Career Guideline

    • Getting Started

Course Offerings

Certificate you will get

Certificate Features

NSDC Certificate of Partnership with LearnVern.
Help build strong resume.
Great add-on to get Internship.
Upgrade your Job with this certificate proof.

After this Course

Pre Requsites

Curious Mind to learn new concepts
Strong internet connection

Course is for





  • How can the LearnVern SQL Tutorial help understand ‘what is SQL Server?’
    LearnVern covers the basic topic ‘What is SQL Server?’ in the introductory module of the SQL tutorial. This module is designed to provide complete knowledge of SQL Server. Students are walked through the composition and uses of SQL Servers to accomplish their learning purposes. The module is also helpful for preparing interview questions based on the SQL Server.
  • What are the points of practical knowledge included in the LearnVern SQL tutorial?
    The LearnVern SQL Tutorial provides a working knowledge of all the steps involved in SQL Server use. The modules are enriched with practical demonstrations involving how to restore databases in SQL Server, how to connect to SQL server, how to check SQL server version, etc. By walking through the functions’ paths, trainers impart practical knowledge of using SQL Server on a regular day at work.
  • Who can benefit from the LearnVern SQL Tutorial Online Course?
    SQL tutorial online course at LearnVern is designed for aspirants wanting to make a career in data development and management. Companies need data extraction and manipulation experts for various database management jobs and to make the customer experience better. Those who want to add more to their programming skills can benefit from SQL tutorials. Even if you don’t know programming, you can do this course to gain basic data-related skills.
  • Why is LearnVern the good choice for the SQL Tutorial with SQL Server Course?
    LearnVern breaks the language barriers for students by providing the SQL Tutorial with SQL Server training in Hindi. Hence, the students comfortable with Hindi medium courses can benefit from this unique feature. LearnVern does not charge anything for the courses available here. It helps students who may not have the additional budget for scaling up their skills. The courses at LearnVern are recognized by the Government of India and win learners the National Skill Development Certificate that may help a lot in their job search.
  • Can I do the SQL Tutorial with SQL Server Course along with my job?
    Yes, you can! LearnVern offers flexible learning support by making the courses available on the candidates’ mobile devices. You can access these courses in your free time and from anywhere. Thus, you can be stationed in any part of the country to do this course; it does not require you to leave the job or relocate to any new city.
  • What is the fee for joining the LearnVern SQL Tutorial with SQL Server Course?
    LearnVern is a part of the Skill India Initiative, which aims to make Indians from all walks of life skilful and job-ready. It also offers fair opportunities for everyone to learn and grow in their career paths. The courses are made available for free for all. So, students don’t need to pay any fee for joining this course.
  • Why is the SQL Tutorial with SQL Server course in demand?
    Companies need data development and management support to make the best use of information generated from various platforms and interactions that take place in B2C and B2B environments. The data developers can help extract and manipulate data of humongous amounts and make profitable decisions.
  • What jobs can I get after doing the LearnVern SQL tutorial with SQL Server Course?
    On doing the LearnVern SQL tutorial, you can be prepared for the jobs in top companies that require data analysis. Best-paying jobs such as data analysts, SQL Developer, and Database experts are a few of the opportunities available on completion of the LearnVern SQL Server Course.
The course focuses on SQL Tutorial. It covers fundamentals through 3 interactive modules.
The course offers over 2 hours of recorded content.

Yes, there is a Paid Certification included with this course. The course material is entirely free; however, certification in this course requires payment of ₹999.

The course is currently available in Hindi.
Curious Mind to learn new concepts & Strong internet connection

The course is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.

This course is completely Free
To enroll in this course you can click on the Enroll Now button it will redirect you to course page, and on that page you can access the SQL Tutorial course completely free.

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