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This course on VLSI teaches VLSI fundamentals through 1 interactive modules. If you are Beginner, then this course is for you. You can access this course on web and mobile, it’s available in English language.
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This course on VLSI teaches VLSI fundamentals through 1 interactive modules. If you are Beginner, then this course is for you. You can access this course on web and mobile. This complete course is available in English language.
17% Discount


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1 Modules

with Certifications

9+ Hours

of Recorded Content

4.5 Rated

by 2007 Learners


1 Modules

with Certifications

9 + Hours

of Recorded Content

4.5 Rated

by 2007Learners

Read all Reviews


What's in it for You?

Starting with a solid grasp of number systems and codes, you’ll progress through hands-on labs, mastering fundamental digital electronics concepts. Unlock the intricacies of Boolean algebra, design and implement combinational logic, and delve into the nuances of sequential circuits. Gradually, you’ll gain expertise in crafting integrated circuits and learning to design complex systems with precision. The course not only imparts theoretical wisdom but ensures practical skill development, allowing you to confidently apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. By the course’s conclusion, you’ll possess a robust foundation in VLSI design, enabling you to spearhead innovative projects and excel in the dynamic field of digital systems.
Starting with a solid grasp of number systems and codes, you’ll progress through hands-on labs, mastering fundamental digital electronics concepts. Unlock the intricacies of Boolean algebra, design and implement combinational logic, and delve into the nuances of sequential circuits. Gradually, you’ll gain expertise in crafting integrated circuits and learning to design complex systems with precision. The course not only imparts theoretical wisdom but ensures practical skill development, allowing you to confidently apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. By the course’s conclusion, you’ll possess a robust foundation in VLSI design, enabling you to spearhead innovative projects and excel in the dynamic field of digital systems.

Key Features:

Internationally Acknowledged Certification
Completely online and learn at your own pace course
Lifelong access to complete course
Four gamified practice platforms
Committed forum support to answer all of your questions
Refund policy of seven days

Topics you will learn

  • Beginner Module

    • Course Overview
    • Number system (Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal)
    • Radix and diminished radix complement
    • Signed and unsigned number
    • Lab 0: Introduction to digital electronics lab
    • Lab 1: LED glow circuit
    • Lab 1: Implementation of AND gate
    • Theorems and properties of Boolean Algebra
    • Boolean functions
    • Minterms and maxterms
    • Dual of a function
    • 2-variable and 3-variable Karnaugh map
    • 4-variable Karnaugh map
    • Prime implicants and essential prime implicants
    • 5-variable Karnaugh map
    • Combinational logic analysis and design procedure
    • Adders - Half adder, full adder, 4-bit binary adder
    • Adders - Carry lookahead adder, BCD adder
    • Lab 3: Implementation of full adder
    • Subtractor
    • Overflow in adder-subtractor
    • Binary multiplieer
    • Magnitude comparator
    • Decoders
    • Lab 4: Implementation of decoder
    • Encoders
    • Multiplexers
    • Tri-state gates and demultiplexers
    • Latches
    • Latches continued
    • D flip-flop
    • JK flip-flop and T flip-flop
    • Difference between latches and flip-flops
    • Sequential circuit analysis using D flip-flop
    • Sequential circuit analysis using JK flip-flop
    • Sequential circuit analysis using T flip-flop
    • Finite state machines
    • Lab 5: Implementation of D flip-flop
    • Design of pattern detector using D-flip-flop
    • Design of pattern detector using JK-flip-flop
    • Design of 3-bit counter using T flip-flop
    • Register with parallel load
    • Shift registers
    • Serial transfer
    • Serial adder
    • 4-bit up-down binary counter
    • BCD counter
    • Special counters - Ring and Johnson counter

Course Offerings

Certificate you will get

Certificate Features

Certification from IITM Pravartak.
Certifications strengthen your programming profile and are recognized around the world.
Certificates are awarded upon the course's completion.

Pre Requsites

Basic understanding of digital electronics fundamentals.
Familiarity with number systems, codes, and basic logic gates.
Willingness to engage in handson labs for practical application

After this Course

Design intricate integrated circuits with precision.
Implement and optimize Boolean logic in digital systems.
Analyze and troubleshoot sequential circuits confidently.
Craft advanced digital systems using various flipflops and gates.
Develop expertise in code conversion and combinational logic design.
Spearheaded innovative projects in the dynamic field of VLSI design.

Course is for





  • What is the overview of GUVI’s VLSI certification course?
    GUVI’s VLSI certification course provides a comprehensive understanding of digital electronics, covering number systems, Boolean algebra, sequential circuits, and essential components of digital systems. Handson labs complement theoretical learning, ensuring a robust foundation in VLSI design.
  • Why learn the VLSI course?
    Learning the VLSI course equips individuals with the expertise to design integrated circuits, analyze sequential circuits, and apply digital electronics concepts in realworld scenarios. It opens doors to exciting opportunities in the dynamic field of VLSI design and digital systems.
  • Why choose GUVI for learning the VLSI design course?
    GUVI stands out for its blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The course offers handson labs, ensuring a holistic learning experience. With industryrelevant content and expert guidance, GUVI prepares learners for success in VLSI design.
  • What are the benefits of learning VLSI certification?
    VLSI certification brings numerous benefits, including expertise in digital electronics, enhanced problemsolving skills, and the ability to design intricate integrated circuits. Certified individuals are wellprepared for challenging roles in VLSI design, contributing to technological advancements.
  • Is the VLSI course difficult to learn?
    While the VLSI online course covers complex topics, GUVI's pedagogy, handson labs, and expert guidance make the learning process accessible and engaging. The course is designed to progressively build knowledge, ensuring learners grasp challenging concepts effectively.
  • How long does it take to learn VLSI?
    The duration to master VLSI depends on the individual learning pace and prior knowledge. GUVI's structured course allows learners to progress gradually, typically taking a few months to acquire a solid foundation in VLSI design.
  • How much does the VLSI certification Course Cost?
    For detailed information on course costs and available payment plans, please visit GUVI's official website or contact their support team. Costs may vary based on factors such as course duration and additional features offered.
The course focuses on VLSI. It covers fundamentals through 1 interactive modules designed for Beginners.
The course offers over 9 hours of recorded content.

Yes, upon completing the course, you will receive a certification

The course is currently available in English.
Basic understanding of digital electronics fundamentals. & Familiarity with number systems, codes, and basic logic gates.

The course is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.

The original price of the course is ₹3000, but it’s currently available at a discounted price of ₹2499.
To purchase this course you can click on the Enroll Now button it will redirect you to course page, and on that page you can buy VLSI course.

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