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Java for Beginners – Bengali



This course on Java for Beginners – Bengali teaches Java for Beginners – Bengali fundamentals through 4 interactive modules. If you are Beginner, then this course is for you. You can access this course on web and mobile, it’s available in Bengali language.
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Java for Beginners – Bengali



This course on Java for Beginners – Bengali teaches Java for Beginners – Bengali fundamentals through 4 interactive modules. If you are Beginner, then this course is for you. You can access this course on web and mobile. This complete course is available in Bengali language.
25.05% Discount


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4 Modules

with Certifications

11+ Hours

of Recorded Content

4.5 Rated

by 2008 Learners


4 Modules

with Certifications

11 + Hours

of Recorded Content

4.5 Rated

by 2008Learners

Read all Reviews


What's in it for You?

In our *Java for Beginners in Bengali* course, you’ll embark on a comprehensive learning journey to gain fundamental skills. Our course provides a deep dive into Java’s diverse applications even if you’re beginning from scratch. Master various concepts such as variables, data types, control structures & much more. With course modules emphasizing practical coding, expect hands-on exercises and real-world examples to reinforce your skills by learning in Bengali Language, making it accessible to native speakers. Benefit from the gained Java proficiency & open doors to various tech career paths. This course is perfect for beginners who aspire to learn programming or upskill. Whether you’re considering a career in software development or simply want to master a valuable skill, our course is the perfect starting point for your journey.
In our *Java for Beginners in Bengali* course, you’ll embark on a comprehensive learning journey to gain fundamental skills. Our course provides a deep dive into Java’s diverse applications even if you’re beginning from scratch. Master various concepts such as variables, data types, control structures & much more. With course modules emphasizing practical coding, expect hands-on exercises and real-world examples to reinforce your skills by learning in Bengali Language, making it accessible to native speakers. Benefit from the gained Java proficiency & open doors to various tech career paths. This course is perfect for beginners who aspire to learn programming or upskill. Whether you’re considering a career in software development or simply want to master a valuable skill, our course is the perfect starting point for your journey.

Key Features:

Internationally Acknowledged Certification
Completely online and learn at your own pace course
Lifelong access to complete course
Four gamified practice platforms
Committed forum support to answer all of your questions
Refund policy of seven days

Topics you will learn

  • Beginner Module

    • History and features of Java
    • Program Structure
    • Compilation and execution of a program
    • Architecture of Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
    • Working with VS Code IDE
    • Working with Intelij IDEA
    • Working with Eclipse IDE
    • Data Types in Java
    • Literals
    • Identifiers
    • Keywords in Java
    • Variables
    • Types of variables & Final keyword
    • Practical 1
    • Practical 2
    • Operators - Part 1
    • Operators - Part 2
    • Operators Practical
    • The if... else Condition
    • If....else Condition Practical
    • The Statement
    • The Practical
    • Introduction to Loops
    • while and do...while Practical
    • The for loop
    • For Loop Practical
    • Branching Statement (Break & Continue)
    • Break & Continue Practical
    • Introduction to Arrays
    • One Dimensional Array - Practical 1
    • One Dimensional Array - Practical 2
    • Multi-Dimensional Array
    • Multi-D Array Practical
  • Intermediate Module

    • Object Oriented Programming
    • Class & Object in Java
    • Encapsulation
    • Abstraction
    • Polymorphism
    • Inheritance
    • Declaring a Class & Creating Objects
    • Defining Methods & Passing Information
    • Method Overloading
    • The varargs argument
    • Defining Constructor
    • The static Keyword
    • The this Keyword
    • The enum Type
    • Inheritance & Types of Inheritance
    • Uses of super keyword
    • Constructor chaining
    • Method overriding
    • Final classes, Hiding Fields & Immutable Objects
    • Interface in Java
    • Packages in Java
    • Creating & Executing Jar File
    • Nested classes
    • Local Inner Classes
  • Advanced Module

    • Exception handling - Part 1
    • Exception Handling - Part 2
    • Creating User Defined Exception
    • Strings in Java - Part 1
    • Strings in Java - Part 2
    • Strings Practical
    • I/O Stream in Java
    • File Class, Types of Reader & Writer Class
    • Console, Scanner class & Serialization
    • Multithreading - Part 1
    • Multithreading - Part 2
    • Introduction to Generics
    • Generic Methods & Wildcards
  • Expert Module

    • Introduction to JDBC
    • Loading & Initializing Drivers
    • Resultset & Batch Queries
    • Collections - Basic Interfaces & Classes
    • LinkedList
    • Stack
    • HashSet and TreeSet
    • HashMap and TreeMap
    • ArrayList and Vector
    • Collection algorithms(Searching, sorting)
    • Hashtable
    • Iterator and ListIterator
    • final keyword
    • Linked HashMap
    • Queue & Priority Queue
    • Comparable Interface
    • Comparator Interface
    • Java Streams
    • Lambda Expressions
    • Functional Programming Interfaces
    • Recursive Program
    • Object Oriented design (OOAD)
    • Amortization & Knowledge based patterns
    • Abstract Data Types variations
    • Garbage Collection
    • Clean & Optimized Coding
    • Design Patterns
    • 5 Solid Principles of Design Pattern
    • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Practical
    • Open/Closed Principle Practical
    • Liskov’s Substitution Principle (LSP)
    • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
    • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
    • Creational Design Patterns
    • Java Mac Setup

Course Offerings

Certificate you will get

Certificate Features

Certification from IITM Pravartak.
Certifications strengthen your programming profile and are recognized around the world.
Certificates are awarded upon the course's completion.

Pre Requsites

Enthusiasm for learning Java or a passion for backend development.
Basic computer literacy and no prior coding experience required.

After this Course

Develop Java programs confidently, even as a beginner.
Understand variables, data types, and control structures.
Apply essential object-oriented programming principles.
Effectively handle exceptions and manage file input/output.
Work with databases, expanding your programming capabilities.
Create simple Java applications for real-world use.

Course is for





  • What is the overview of GUVI’s Java for Beginners in Bengali certification course?
    GUVI’s “Java for Beginners in Bengali* course will be your best kickstart to the world of programming. Even if you're starting from scratch, this comprehensive course will empower you with fundamental skills in Java. Take a deep dive into Java's versatile applications, covering vital concepts like variables, data types, and control structures. What sets our course apart is its practical approach – you'll engage in hands-on exercises and real-world examples in your native Bengali language, making learning accessible.
  • Why learn the Java for Beginners in Bengali course?
    Learning GUVI’s Java for Beginners in Bengali combines the power of this widely-used programming language with the accessibility and comfort of your native language, providing you with an excellent foundation for a successful career in the tech industry.
  • Why choose GUVI for learning Java for Beginners in Bengali courses?
    GUVI’s Java for Beginners course in Bengali not only covers the basic fundamentals but will also enable you to explore more advanced topics such as exception handling, file input/output, and working with databases with the comfort of learning in Bengali. Further, you’ll earn globally recognized certifications that accelerate your career in the professional world
  • What are the benefits of learning Java for Beginners in Bengali certification?
    Learning Java in Bengali enhances comprehension, you can grasp the concepts better when the subject is handled in your native language. This opens up various tech career opportunities, from software development to IT consulting, making you a competitive job candidate. Our comprehensive course provides you with an excellent foundation for a successful career in the tech industry.
  • Is the Java for Beginners in Bengali course difficult to learn?
    If you have no prior programming experience, some concepts in Java might seem challenging at first. However, this course is designed for beginners, so it starts with the fundamentals and gradually progresses to more advanced topics. Since it’s taught in Bengali, native Bengali learners can reap the best benefits of this course.
  • How long does it take to learn Java for Beginners in Bengali?
    GUVI’s self-paced courses will not take more than a couple of weeks if you’re dedicated enough to master the skills. If you’re familiar with the basic programming concepts then it gets really easy for you to ace Java
The course focuses on Java for Beginners – Bengali. It covers fundamentals through 4 interactive modules designed for Beginners.
The course offers over 11 hours of recorded content.

Yes, upon completing the course, you will receive a certification

The course is currently available in Bengali.
Enthusiasm for learning Java or a passion for backend development. & Basic computer literacy and no prior coding experience required.

The course is accessible on both web and mobile platforms.

The original price of the course is ₹2000, but it’s currently available at a discounted price of ₹1499.
To purchase this course you can click on the Enroll Now button it will redirect you to course page, and on that page you can buy Java for Beginners – Bengali course.

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